Saturday 9 April 2011

Just ended my lesson at Wilkie Edge.  Collected my course material for my bridging module, "Basic Accounting" just now. Due to the long queue, i was late for lesson for about 20 minutes. Upon reaching class, i guess i am left with no choice but to sit in the first row along with my other 3 classmates (who happened to sit together also in our previous lesson). I guess being in the front row is a pretty good choice. Firstly, clarity is non-comparable with sitting in other rows. Secondly, i won't be distracted so easily by the movements of other mates. Was very lethargic during the first half of my class. But turned out to be attentive after my long-awaited toilet break. The feeling of having to control your urine for embarressment of going to the toilet, bringing slight pain to your bladder and finally being able to release it in the rest room, is really something to relish! We finally had a question to discuss on, thereafter, i realised we (2 other guys & i) realised that we were in the same study group! How coincident! Class ended at about 10 minutes earlier, much to the "gleefulness" of my other coursemates. This time round, i had to make my way out of town myself. Worm is not here to fetch me as he is working today. (while i m typing this sentence, light in mrt just turned off!) Plan to have dinner with worm at Sakae Sushi  in Jurong East (near chevron). Hopefully he ends his work soon so that i won't have to walk around for so long to wait for him). I am currently on my way over to Jurong East via the red line. And i just came across a thought of how i can blog without being disrupted by disturbances such as incoming sms etc. That is, to type my contents in the "notes" application of my iphone, thereafter, uploading it via "blog writer" once i have completed. Just passed Braddell station and it's raining  now (5.41pm).

Worm told me earlier on that 小鸡  (small chick) met up with an accident in Malaysia and passed on. Quite a shocking and sad news to hear. But i guess that is the consequence that many fear for riding a motorcycle. Life can be really short.

Battery is left with 39%. I need a portable charger badly  Hope i receive from worm my monthly prezzie soon! Shall end here to save on the battery.

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