Tuesday 1 January 2013

So long since I last posted. This will be my first post of a new year 2013!

Currently on a cab on the way to Hubby er shu house. The driver played a disc and had a repeative tune of the Thai buddha chant tune played with a guzheng. Somehow, it calmed me and made me feel very peaceful.

Lots of things happened recently between Hubby and I. But afterall, it's the ability of overcoming obstacles and misunderstandings that made us stay stronger than before. Hope in this new year, things change for a better course. And might have more good news coming along the way.

I'll be off to Taiwan with Hubby tomorrow night (12.55am flight). Excited and looking forward to the cold weather. But it's going to be tiring. We'll be there for the whole of January and March on a crash course. And yes, the lessons will be carried out in traditional chinese. *faints*. Hopefully the dictionary we are going to bring with us will help in some way or another.

My post is going to end here. Hope I'll have the time to update on any interesting findings during the trip.

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