Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Didn't go to school to help out at club as I was down with gastric-like pain again after eating Chicken Talk for lunch since yesterday. 3 things that will cause me such pain are ST. John's tap water, Chicken Talk and Bang Deli's (FC5) chicken pieces that they add in those bowl noodles :(( Why is it always chicken???

I miss yesterday! XD *shhh... secret* I hope for this time Freshmen Orientation Camp, there would be more girls :)) Next weekend would be the upcoming Freshmen Orientation Camp for Electrical and Electronics Engineering Club. So fast! I cannot wait for camp! :DD

Oh! By the way, here are the photos of my Daddy and his birthday cake taken last Sunday (16 March 2008), we celebrated it in advance. The Oreo Cheesecake was bought at Jack's Place when we dined in there for our dinner.

That's all for today! :))

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