Analog Communication Systems: F (repeat)
Engineering Mathematics: F (repeat)
Electromagnetic Devices: F (repeat)
Goal Setting and Decision Making: C
Data Communication Systems: D-
Sensors and Instrumentation: D-
Semester GPA: 0.393
Cummulative GPA: 0.864
3 modules repeat! GPA so damn low. Thought minimum is 1? Die la. How to catch up like that? Oh man! Die la )): Should I withdraw from my course and join a course from another school? How? But if like that, I have to wait till next year. It's a total waste of time man. But what to do? *haiis* Totally sad-ed
That Baby didn't pick up his calls. How to contact him for his details of his SP mail? Guess he is busy testing out their wet games for the Interactive Camp.
Saw Baby on the way to school at the bridge. And before that I saw Aaron, Melvynn and Jason. And Aaron went like "Orh! No wonder he wants to come out". But both Baby and I didn't know we were going to see each other >.< color="#33ff33" size="4">Get well soon Sharon! (: Anyway, Baby waited for me till training ended and he accompanied me to take the train and bus home. Luckily he managed to catch the 198 bus home. Sorry Baby ): Baby seems really tired ): Don't overwork yourself okies? I know having so few hours to sleep is a gruelling thing to experience. *haiis* Why can't they change their way of doing things? *haiis* My Baby is going to be a zombie soon lers.
Shall end here. I am too sick to blog anyway ): Keep sneezing and having runny nose. My throat is pain too ): I can fortell fever is on it's way. It's always after sneezing, runny nose and vomit.
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