Tuesday 7 February 2012


Currently in Hubby's office now. Nothing much for me to do as of now. His daddy booking flight to fly tomorrow.

Tried to edit the template for our blog. But with the new blogger interface, i don't know how to revert back to the classic template whereby editing the template would be easier and convenient. Totally lost touch of html and css. So trying to post as much as possible to view the post settings.

It's Hubby's birthday today! Happy 26th birthday hubby! You're so sweet :D He is quite busy counting how many of his friends posted on his facebook wall. Miss him super much even though he is infront of me. Sighs. Why ah why? Hope he can remain cheerful for the rest of his life and don't always lose temper. And please remain this handsome face!

Shall end here and post again tomorrow after i figured out how to edit the template.

Oh ya! My new addition to my guinea pig family! Introducing Oreo, my 2 months old girl...

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