Tuesday 7 February 2012

Trying To Tolerate

I'm trying to tolerate from all this. I love him and i will give in anything for him. But it feels really bad and awkward when he quarrels with his dad.

Like just, both of us were hungry. But when he told his dad he going to buy dinner, both of them just flared up. I didnt expect things to turn out this way. And worse still, it's Hubby's birthday and we're stuck here to work. And just because of a dinner, everyone showing attitude.

I'm really getting sick le. Morning already not feeling well. Left office at 10plus. Reached home only keep sneezing, used up many tissue and now slight fever plus headache. Throat inflammation too. Wtf!! Have never felt so bad for such a long time. I want to faster get well so that Hubby won't know that i'm sick and won't add on to his worries and stress. Feels so xin ku now.

I miss Hubby Ting!

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