Sunday 5 February 2012

My Blog Layout Goes Haywire!

Damn it! Was amending my blog template and wanted to change the background, but i accidently removed the html code and now i have no backup for it. Great! Shall figure it out tonight.

Just read Hubby's blog. What i was dreading finally came. His dad found out about the scratched tyre rim. I feel so guilty now. Ever since that incident on Thursday i think when we went drinking at Bonkers, my mind totally went crazy. I punched the wall and drove after drinking. The rim grinded against the kerb when i was turning right at a junction. And it was damn loud! I felt really lack of confidence in driving now and it felt as though i am driving on the main road, aside from when learning, for the first time. It feels really bad and gloomy. I want to be the confident Wifey that Hubby has taught me abit of his skills, and not like how i am driving now ):

Celebrated Hubby's birthday in advance for him at Blueberry on Saturday with Kenny and Da Sao too: i don't know if Hubby really felt happy or not. But i just want him to feel treasured and loved. He is abit upset that his good brothers didn't contact him to meet up for his birthday. I wish i can do much more. I will work hard towards earning more money. And give that Hubby of mine all that I can. All i want is for him to change his bad temper and for him to smile more from his heart.

Really miss Hubby now. Most probably will only see him tomorrow. As much as i want to see him, i don't want him to drive to Jurong at night and back again. Knowing that he will lap cars or doze off while driving. Just want him to be safe and sound and kept away from danger.

My post stops here. I hope i can figure out the right layout soon!

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