Monday 20 February 2012

I miss Hubby Ting!

I feel really moody these days. I'm dreading for Hubby's reservist to come in April. Thereafter, he will be going Taiwan for work, at the same time to learn about lighting stuffs there. Go there for 5 days, come back for 16 days and cycle repeats again. I'm going to faint. I'll be seeing very little of Hubby at this rate. Really worried that we will not be able to pull through. Sighs.

Oh ya, Hubby said yesterday: If Muddy and Oreo reproduces, it'll be called Mario and Oddy. Quite a nice name actually. Hahaha! But Oddy sounds like the Garfield's dog? Is it?

I hate my sunburn. Made me keep peeling subconsiously. Tmd. Now the dried up skin moving down to the shoulders le, not just the back. Good luck to me. I might have a dislocated shoulder at this rate that i'm peeling skin from my back.

I miss my Hubby! Please please let me have a solution to curb the miss that I have for him. Especially when he goes reservist and Taiwan ):

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